The Shield (WWE) Reunion

In this article i will discuss about The SHIELD, So one of the biggest tag teams in history is back after one of them (Seth Rollins) betrayed his brothers Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns back in 2014. Every fan was upset and surprise with the heel turn by Rollins when he hit Roman Reigns on his back with a steel chair, Dean Ambrose and the whole WWE universe was in shock. Rollins started to go solo as a heel and bashing on Dean & Roman,. Rollins had his first match against Dean and Roman, and it was an amazing match. Years passed and Rollins figured out he was just being a puppet to Triple H, Corporate Kane and J&J security, he stopped being a heal and turn face in 2016, but at the same time he lost all trust from Dean & Roman, he needed proof that he will never betrayed them ever again, but it didn't work. a year later passed (2017) and he wanted to prove Dean & Reigns that he changed but they still didn't trust him so Dean got in trouble with The Miz and his partners Rollins came out and help Dean, at the end he thank him and then they went to Summerslam and became Raw tag team champions, the crowed was so happy that they reunited and bury the hatchet. months passed and they started to get into trouble with The Miz and the Miztourage, they got beat up so badly and they needed a plan B so they started to talk to Roman Reigns and the 3 of them agreed it was time for a SHIELD reunion, Miz was celebrating his wwe title and Roman came and interrupt and told the Miz to get out of his ring, therefore Miz said "The rumors of the Shield reunion is nothing but hype". and Roman responded "Who said anything about rumors?", Dean Ambrose came out and then Seth Rollins and the three surrounded the Miz and the Miztourage like they used to when they were the shield and attacked. The crowd went crazy excited that The Shield reunited and the 3 of them looked happy and excited. 
