In this mini article I would explain why Coke is bad for you, Coke is basically everywhere in the world, is the most popular drink anybody can have, but there is a negative effect when you drink coke especially when it comes to health of course, for example if you drink too much coke your kidneys start to develope little crystal balls called Kidney stones and that is the worst thing to have. Coke also develops blood sugar in just 20 minutes, The liver then turns the high amounts of sugar circulating our body into fat. From my experience when i was a kid i used to drink coke alot and it was a bad habit, until one day i went to use the restroom and then it hurt when i urine, it was the worst feeling ever, so my mom took me to a Urologist and they had to test me and they told me the reason why urinating hurts was because of the caffeine and sugar that coke had so he recommended me to stop drinking coke and drink more plenty of water instead of coke, so i stop drinking it for good and it really helped me. I've haven't drank Coke in more than 12 years and yes that's a fact. So this is my explanation on why Coke is bad for your health
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